Friday, August 10, 2007


Alirght, teased you enough. Here's what I got: See here not one, not two, but 4 prizes. As per previous post (like several days ago), these are stuff given to me by a coworker, whose mother is a crafter and had passed recently. Other than what's here, I'll thrown in a little something from me as well.

In order to win, I won't make you do anything difficult. Just leave a comment by Monday Midnight CST, I'll use to draw 4 winners.

Good luck!


Cheryl KVD said...

Hello! I've often wondered what would happen to all of my scrapbooking stuff when I pass away. That's nice that your coworker gave you all of this.
Cheryl KVD

Pattyjo said...

Hey great blog! That is what I call an enormous amount of goodies...good thing I'm not a diabetic so I can join in on the fun! That is a huge give away, more than I have seen on blogs I think. Thanks for a chance at the awesome goodies!
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

That was very sweet of her to give it to you. I always told my mom if I ever pass b/f her she gets all my stuff to play with (she loves stamping with me, but I don't get to see her often at all)

Unknown said...

Wow! This got me to thinking what would become of my stuff if I were to die. I better update my will while I'm thinking about it :) What a great friend to think of you. It's nice of you to share the wealth and let us play along.

Rebecca (

Unknown said...

It's so genereous of you to give away something you got, and add something from you too.
I hope that one of my girls will love doing what I'll do - so when the time comes, they'll get a little treasure...

jodene said...

Thanks for the chance. Makes you think. It's a good thing I've started my kids young to enjoy crafts. I will say a little prayer for your friends loss.

Linda SS said...

What a sad way to acquire the goodies, but it's nice of you to share with us. Blessings to your coworker for the loss of her mother.

Melissia said...

That's really nice that your coworker passed this stuff on to you. Maybe I should start thinking about where all my stuff will go when I am gone. Hmm..

Reality Show Reject said...

Thanks for the chance to win. Like cakvd said, I've wondered where my stuff would go when I pass away. We have very close friends who I know would love to have them. I recently told DH if I passed before my new SU order came in, exactly who to give stuff to. I'm weird like that.

Unknown said...

WOW! 4 prizes ... it's a real candy land! Thanks for sharing the goodies and blessings to your coworker.

Peggy Maier said...

How nice that goodies can be shared with so many people! Have a blessed day!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win some great goodies! Very generous of you to share.

Lilian said...

wow!! look at all that candy!!

thanks for sharing. :)

Colleen said...

Hmmm...does make you think about your stash! Sweet of your friend to pass it along and then for you to do this with it! I'm sure it'll find good homes!