Friday, October 19, 2007

Hooray for RAK & Blog Candy

RAK from Allison
Originally uploaded by Patty_kins
You guys, did you see this... how cute is this card? I LOVE it! Just too cute. This is a RAK from Allison. What a wonderful mail day! That's so cool.

Here's the irony, the city once again shut down the water to work over night. While they promised it'll be back up and running by 5am, it's already 7am and it's not done. So, I'm waiting for the water to take a shower before heading off to work. (Prolly TMI, sorry. :P)

Alright onto the Blog Candy info: I had taken a few days off of work this week. Just so that I'm not going to lose 11 days of vacation this year, just forced myself to go on one. Here's how you can win (and I'll post the present in the next post (if the water doesn't come back on soon, I'll do it shortly).

Here's how you can win. If you guess how many emails I got when I went back to work, the closest person will win the goodies. (Here's a hint: it is more than 100) Post your answer here, and I will announce winner on Wednesday (10/24)


Daniela Dobson said...

I hope your water comes back soon :)

Kristina Lewis said...

I'm glad you took some time off! GL with the water situation!

Colleen said...

Hope you get water soon! My guess is 168!

Estivalia said...

wow, more than 100? I luckily get more than 20 :p

Hum... I guess 161

Shelby said...

Cool idea! Thanks for the chance to win blog candy! I guess... 117 emails.

MelissaS said...

Hope your water is back by now! I guess you had 177 emails when you returned to work. Ugh, I know the feeling!

Dawns Stamping Shop said...

HUMMM I bet it was alot of emails girlie .. so My guess is 278 emails arrived in your inbox..
Have a happy mini vacation
Dawn griffith

Angel said...

I'll say 564. Hope you get your water back!!!

Cathy M said...

No water and here you are being sweet to your readers. You ROCK! My guess is going to be 226. Thanks for a chance.

Cindy Vernon said...

I'll guess 188.

jodene said...

My guess will be 175 e-mail. Thanks for the chance!

Cheryl KVD said...

I know when I took off work, I would come back with about 600 emails. (all urgent, of course!) Glad I'm a SAHM now! I'll guess that you had 302 emails waiting for ya. Thanks!
Cheryl KVD

Suzanne said...

Ugh! That's irritating about the water! I'm going to guess 212 messages! That's probably how many I'll have Monday when I get back (I've been off sick the last day and a half!)

Rita said...

I'm going to say 381...Have fun answering them & deleting the not so important ones!!!

Anonymous said...

I will guess 220. Thanks for sharing blog candy with us all!

Betty said...

I guess 124!

Jayme Downs said...


I hope your water is back on soon. :)

Allison Rankin said...

Thanks for letting me know you got your card! Yikes...over 100 e-mails? I get lots but not that many! Hmm...I will say 155!

Candace said...

Hmmm. As a SAHM I do NOT miss those days returning to work after vacation to find that your computer is about to spontaneously combust. Hope you can delete most of them *grin*

My guess is 131.

Jan Scholl said...

my guess is 666. I get over 2000 a day, so hopefully you are not in the crazy place I am.

Laura W said...

Oohhhhhhhhhhhh, maybe 218?? :)

Unknown said...

I'm guessing 352!

Elaine said...


Linda SS said...

I'll guess 541. Sounds like a lot, but my secondary email excepts spam and I get hundreds a day.