Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Day after Thanksgiving!

Originally uploaded by Patty_kins
Don't know if you were one of the brave souls out that that brave the crowds, the parking lots, and the lines to go shopping at the crack of dawn. I did hear on the radio that some people scored some pretty good deals. Like $500 for a top of the line Vaio. Geesh!

So, what did everyone do for Thanksgiving? I hope you guys had a good time and stuffed to the rim.

I went over to the in-laws and basically watched them eat, then headed off to meet a friend and my mom to this restaurant, Gravitas. At first we thought it was a prix fixe menu. But, turn out you get everything they listed in the menu. OMG... talk about stuffed.... we had crabcake, a salad course, a veggie course (that's cooked stuff), cornbread, sweet potato, meat course, and dessert. Yes, that's alot of food.... Like I said, we thought it's you get to choose one form 3 or 4 pre-set meals. No, they brought out everything... oy!

Anyway, this is a pie of how thankful I am of all the yummy food, and how stuff I am... hope you guys had a great time too!

Patterend Paper by DCWV
3D embellishment by Joann's Essentials

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