Tuesday, April 22, 2008

First Pear

First Pear
Originally uploaded by Patty_kins
Ok, I know most of you looking at this, and go: hey, this is neither a stamp or card related project. I know, I know... this little guy is just too cute, so I must show off.

What happened was, I always sign up for blog candy contests but never win anything. So, I've been keeping up w/ Ana Paula's blog and just fell in love w/ her adorable dolls (amigurumi for you knitter/crocheters). And she was doing a blog candy ... well more like a book giveaway because she got a book published.

So, I thought, what the heck, I enter these things all the time, and never get anything. Lo and behold, I won! I swear, this is the first time I won and the owner followed thru. (read: yes, so it's not precisely true that I never win, just that the people never followed thru and I felt rude to keep asking.)

Anyhoo, so I won the book, it arrived, I was anxiously flipping thru all the cuteness the book contains. Then remembers that I don't know how to crochet. Bwhwahaha... Well, guess what? Then, it's time to get off my toosh and go learn. So, learned I did, from a wonderful owner at Yarntopia.

So, the end result is this little guy. I just found him so adorable.

I'm sure I'm nowhere as good as the talented creator it came from. but, it's a start. I have started on 2 more little guys. So, they'll have little friends around. I'm also going to try to find a way to incorporate card w/ my crafts (in general). That might be a whole different ball of wax altogether. We'll see how far I'll get....

If you like this pear, go check out Ana Paula's blog and her book. I know, I'm trying to get the Yarn store owner to buy it, now that she got to see how cool this is. =D


Ana Paula said...

I think it's adorable :)
& this is your first project?!!!
love it! :)

Heather said...

Adorable! He is your first project? Wow- you are multi-talented.