Friday, May 23, 2008

Piggy 2 & Blog candy...

Piggy 2
Originally uploaded by Patty_kins
So, here's the 2nd commissioned piggy card. As you may remember, the receipent likes pigs but doesn't like pink. So, that was a challenge all to itself. But luckily, the giver likes the card, so it's going home with someone.

Frankly, I don't have too many piggy or animal stamps as I last mentioned, maybe that's the next purchase... I can't quite decided which ones are better, Gina K has a cute set, but so does MFT. So, many choices, so hard to decided.

Card by DCWV
Patterned paper by Basic Grey
Ribbon by Lil Davis
Stamp by ATS


OK... Let's talk Blogaversary Candy, shall we? I'm a bum, I forgot to charge my camera to let you see the swag, but I can tell you the prize pack contain 2 Cuttlebug folders, a stamp set from Green Grass, and something else (good, I promise). Since there's 10 of you reading my blog consistently, it'll be easy peasy.

All you need to do, is to tell me what you like to see on the blog. (i.e. like the product review, ditch the yarn stuff, more this, less that) I'll open this till next Friday, the 30th, and the winner will be selected by The real Blogaversary date is 5/25, but since that's a Sunday on a holiday weekend it's tough to do. So, keep those comments coming, and thanks for your support!


Katie said...

I just love looking at all your card samples. They give such great ideas! Thank you!

Deb Neerman said...

Cards, cards, and more cards! I'm a card FIEND!! Can't ever get enough to admire!

csroyal said...

I love to look at cards and how they are done. Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

Swedie said...

It's amazing how many different ways a card can be made! Thanks for sharing yours.


Annelies said...

Congratulations! I like your blog as it is now: lots of card samples.
Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

sandyh50 said...

I'm a card fanatic too, just love looking at your cards.

Unknown said...

You have great cards! The only recommendation would be to post more of them!

kim3timemom said...

I agree with the others..lots of cards..and I love card tutorials would be my vote. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

Sheila D said...

I like your blog the way it is. Keep the yarn thingies too. Fun to see. I also like to see altered items but the more cards the better. Keep it the way it is. You're in my google reader.

Scott Franson Photography said...

I like it the way it is and would love to see some altered items.

Bunny B said...

Hiya! Happy Blogaversary :) Woohoo!!!
I love all kinds of crafts, paper and yarn :) Thanks for sharing!

bunnybox9 at gmail . com

java diva said...

I LOVE the yarn projects! That pear is the best! So keep it up!

ohradiogirl said...

I like the diversity of the yarn crafts as well as the paper crafts. Inspiration comes from so many places.

Kathy H said...

Just keep all of it coming, anything artsy crafty is good...Thanks for sharing...Kathy Hering...

Colleen said...

Love the reviews and I'm more into paper crafting, so that's more my thing, but I say blog what makes ya happy!! Fun blog candy!


wendyp said...

Happy Blogaversary! I love seeing all your cards, but I would also love to hear about product reviews.

Heather said...

I like your cards... tutorials are good too but I like the eye candy.

Stampin Cats said...

Love the cards. I have stacks of cards I made. I just love cards. Oh and tags, I love to make tags.