Thursday, June 26, 2008


Originally uploaded by Patty_kins
I know birds and owls are all the range these days... so when I saw these cute owls I have to have it! I need new embellishments like I need a hole in my head, but let me tell you, it truly makes me happy.

So, anyhoo... I made this card for work's card drive, which is to be donated to either Children's hospital or Veteran hospital. I think it's cute... I'd love to get a card like that. Not that I'm tuning my own horn or anything. =P

Anyway, talking about materialism and buying more of the same thing. Well, not exactly the same. But, did you all see that Verve got new stamps? I can't help myself and bought some. So, hopefully they'll get here soon.

In other news, I got my contract and W-9 from Paper Crafts, so I'm thinking I'm getting near to be published... I'm stoked! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

4 down 1 to go, weekend is almost here!

Card by SU
Stamp by Impress Rubber
Owl by Paper Studio

1 comment:

Heather said...

ooohhh published- very cool!