Thursday, July 24, 2008

What in the world?

What in the world?
Originally uploaded by Patty_kins
Well, this is a fun stamp set by MFT. I made this card for my friend and co-worker who is going off to Denmark for business school. She's actually from Denmark, so essentially she's going home.

I thought this is a good card to send her off. With a few things only the States has. Funky books and stuff. I'll be fun.

It is so crazy that she had mentioned that she has to stock up on socks and underwear because it's so expensive there. That's just insane. But that's her home town, what can I say?

Well, we're having a work going-away party for her today. So, I'll be partying and not stamping... little sacrifices we make. haha. ;-)

Card by DCWV
Yellow Patterned Paper by Autumn Leaves
Red patterned paper by TAC
Stamp by MFT

1 comment:

Heather said...

Fun card! I recently acquired some MFT stamps and I loved the images and they made really stamped sharp images.