Monday, September 15, 2008


Originally uploaded by Patty_kins
Well, what would I do for a cupcake now... We survived the hurricane and so now is left to pick up pieces.

It's the most stressful 3-day weekend I've been thru. While everyone is remembering 9/11, we were busy getting water, and batteries to (as they say) hunker down for the storm.

Friday we waited and DH basically that afternoon said let's go. So we evacuated to Austin. But my mom was at home. So, we kept checking in. Basically lost power that evening on Friday. We went entire Saturday without power, and it only came back on midday Sunday. Needless to say it makes the day very interesting.

I tried stamping because during the daylight I can do that. Actually I prefer to stamp during daylight anyhow. But at night it's pitch black. My mom and I felt like we were in the 40s where people gathered around the radio as entertainment. Except, we were gathering around for informational purposes.

It's very stressful in the dark w/ no power, no water. Have some cell coverage because of text message, but you can forget about a call. Then I'm afraid we don't know how long I have my cell batteries and won't be able to charge it. Basically, alot of 'worry' going on.

Power came back, and I felt blessed. Turns out the businesses in front of us still in the dark, as well as the other half of the apt complex we live in. Like I said, I feel bless. Kroger is on generator, and most still without power. If they're without that means no water being pump thru to the apartments and such. Gah!

Anyway, given the circumstance, we're in better shape than most, but not back 100%. We'll see.

Ribbon by American Craft
Stamp by Hero Arts
All patterned paper by Making Memories

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