Monday, July 20, 2009

Bday penguins

Bday penguins
Originally uploaded by Patty_kins
Well, my mom requested a bday card for one of the students that she's working with from University of Tokyo. It's kinda neat because naturally you think, the students must be from Japan or definitely Japanese native. Turns out, they accepts students from all over the world. I know it's not something so astounding considering we do too here in the States. But for a country that's not a melting pot like us, to accept students from Indonesia, India is kinda a stretch to me. Not only do you have the language barrier, you can only attend classes in English. Of course, unless they already fluent in Japanese. But I just find that very interesting.

Anyway, the card is for one of the students that's here for the summer that's participating in a research program. My mom, being a giver that she is, is going to host a BBQ on top of doing the gift thing. I'm thinking she's being reimbursed for it, but no... she's doing it out on her own. Urm... ok... no one can stop her, I guess. Just hope everyone appreciates it.

Card by DCWV
Patterned Paper by American Crafts
Stamps by TCP
3D embellishment by Paper Studio

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