Thursday, August 27, 2009

Scooter girl

Scooter girl
Originally uploaded by Patty_kins
I'm a tad sluggish these days, so no craft coming out of me. But I did make a bunch of cards for Rubber Romance's DT call. I didn't make it, but I love the images so much, I kinda didn't care. I do but I don't, ya know?!

Anyway, I love the Divas, and this is one of them. She's scootin' around town. I like to picture she's in San Francisco or something, just scootin along in her French lookin' outfit. Oh, totally off tangent: I'm going to take French in September. Tre' excited.

Ok... back on to my little pity party. I think my mojo went on a late summer vacay. I went to Michael's and tons of fun stuff to be had, I even broke budget and bought some stuff. (I need stamps like I need a hole in my head) BUT! They had couple Martha sets that were on sell, so I couldn't resist.

However, once I got home, sat down, get all good and ready to work, nada. I mean, zilch, nil, zero, niet, nothing. So, I ended up surfing the web once again.

Oh well, hopefully it'll come back soon...
All stamps by Rubber Romance

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