Monday, August 4, 2008


I know I'm a slug... but I have a good excuse... This past weekend, we had invited a national instructor to teach a workshop.  I was there 90% of the time.  Let me preface by saying that I only had 2 weeks to put this workshop together.  I thought we only had 17 people signed up, that'd be 17 people that can get better.  But then we had 47 people showed up.  So, I didn't get to stamp any.

Then, now, we're prepping for 
Edouard. Not that it'd be as extreme as Katrina or Rita, but people do get panicky and started to clean out shelves at the grocery stores. What's worst is that we're hunkering down in the event that there's no power. It's one thing that it rains and floods... it's another when it gets to 101 degrees and no A/C. BAD!!!!

And you know what the kicker is??? Both DH & my Mom and several friends don't have to go to work tomorrow... I just know that I would have to... GRRR

That is totally not your problem... what is your problem, however, is that if you haven't signed up to win the BLOG CANDY, you should!!!! Go sign up and good luck!

1 comment:

jules said...

We needed that rain. But we got a TON of it. No flooding-like the news said though!
And people did panic didn't they?!?! It was crazy.