Friday, July 17, 2009

pretty ladies

pretty ladies
Originally uploaded by Patty_kins
I'm so tired of not creating... is that backwards or what? I want to create, I do, but when I do get a chance to sit down, my muse decide to go on vacation... I know, I know, lame excuse, but it's true.

So I finally force myself to sit down and work. I pulled out my favorite color palette and nada. I tried to surround myself with pretty pretty paper, and nothing. I made myself to go back to the stamps I have and see what I have to play with, zilch. So, I went to my favorite stamps and see what I can do, and this is what I made.

I've always like the 40s-ness of it. I wish I have more stamps that are like that. I've checked out Bombshell Stamps, but they are a tad edgier than my 40s primp and proper type feel. Don't get me wrong, I love their stamps, but I prefer these type. (Yes, I do watch the Donna Reed show, and I do think the puffy dress and wit is great). I guess alot of the stamp companies who dare to go retro, either thinks it has to be tattoo feel, or groovy feel. They did have some fabulous clothes, ya know. I digress.

So, anyway, I went for the easiest route for layout and got something going. Hope that is simple yet, 40s-ness.

Card by DCWV
Papers by Cosmo Comic Jitterbug
Stamps by SU
3D embellishment by K&Co.

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