Thursday, November 8, 2007

Shower Time v.2

Shower Time
Originally uploaded by Patty_kins
This is a prototype of a shower card I was playing around. It was a second draft because the first one I put some present at the bottom like a border and after I colored them in, I just hated it.

So, this is more what I had in mind. That it's raining baby-related presents. And in case you can't tell, it's going to be a boy, they've already named him Gavin. So, we know that Gavin is a soccer-kickin-son-of-a-gun. Which is ironic because the mother is a dancer, competitive West Coast & Western dancer. The father is a quite lawyer type. So, for a little boy kicking around in her tummy that's just funny.

Anyway, as I said this is a prototype, I ended up using the stamp but ended up w/ different card design because I had to mass produce it for the shower party. Which apparently we have over 40 people on the list. So, that's another time for me to show you those.

Stamps by MFT
Patterned Paper by SU

1 comment:

Heather said...

Very interesting card- I never interpreted a baby shower that way! LOL