Friday, September 7, 2007


I am truly not a bug person... talking about a city girl. I wouldn't last a day out in the woods. I don't know how many Gilmore Girls fan out there, but as I paraphrase... 'Get Nature off of me!'

Yes, I am that bad... no bugs, no pets (allergic), I can do flowers and fruit, but other than that... no picnics, no alot of outdoor stuff. Sad, I know, but since I grew up that way, tend not to miss much of that either.

Anyway, today's card is Bug related, but I couldn't resist, this is just too cute. This image is from Eclectic Paperie. I bought some stamps and they included some images for me to play with. So, heck yeah, I'm gonna. Plus, the little hedgehog is too cute to resist...

Patterned Paper & Butterflies by Target
Image by Penny Black


The Cryer Family said...

What a cute layout! The bugs you added are wonderful!

Andrea, said...

Great card, love the bugs